Do I have to be a believer?

I honestly just don’t have a lot of time to ponder the question of god.  I am not for, or against, any religion, and have a firm belief in live and let live.  I went to a Catholic university, send my kid to a Jewish preschool – I am not here to judge, just to learn.

And speaking of learn… my point of this blog.

Intelligent Design

Intelligent design is the newest name for creationism and has been excluded from public school teaching since the religious theory was found not to meet the tenets of science as scientists use the term.  In other words, not proven scientifically. Not my words, that was the conclusion of the U.S. Federal Court ruling in Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District in 2005.

Intelligent design, not a new topic, why bring it up now?

“Researchers found that only 28 percent of biology teachers consistently follow the recommendations of the National Research Council to describe straightforwardly the evidence for evolution and explain the ways in which it is a unifying theme in all of biology. At the other extreme, 13 percent explicitly advocate creationism, and spend at least an hour of class time presenting it in a positive light.

That leaves what the authors call “the cautious 60 percent,” who avoid controversy by endorsing neither evolution nor its unscientific alternatives. In various ways, they compromise.”

via On Evolution, Biology Teachers Stray From Lesson Plan –

I feel like this report should have gotten a little more press!

I find it interesting that this report came out and it fell on deaf ears.  Regardless of your belief in, or disbelief in, intelligent design, it should have raised alarm bells. This report is telling me that over 70% of biology teachers do not teach evolution as science, and bring in theory, such as Intelligent Design, as an alternative.

Since this can be a very polarizing topic, let me propose another theory that could be taught in sciences class: The Paleolithic Diet. It basically says that we are genetically adapted to the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors, and eating the way of our ancestors is optimal for health.

While there are many supporters of this theory, I’m not sure I want my teenager to start eating only grass-fed meat and  vegetables, and excluding all grains, dairy, and beans based on a theory his science teacher told him about nutrition and the human body.

I don’t think I’ll get a lot of resistance when I say that Paleolithic Diet Theory should not be part of a public school biology class curriculum.  And if a teacher was found to be including it, I would have to think there would be a reprimand, warning, or even a termination.

Many people will have single biology class in their entire lifetime.  Everything they learn about science, they will learn in 10th grade.  Based on this report, your children in public school have a high likelihood of learning about evolution as only a theory and encountering alternate theories, predominantly Intelligent Design, as viable alternatives.

Is this OK?

Why Libras and Politics Don’t Mix

Libra Traits

Diplomatic and urbane, Romantic and charming, Easygoing and sociable, Idealistic and peaceable

On the dark side….

Indecisive and changeable, Gullible and easily influenced, Flirtatious and self-indulgent

via Libra – All about Libra!.

I had the pleasure of hosting my in-laws over Thanksgiving, and talk often turns to politics with my “progressive” father-in-law – in quotes as I am not even sure how he would describe his political stance.

We spoke about Occupy Wall Street, the welfare system, and merits (or demerits) of our current president.  Let’s just say there was a fair amount of googling going on.  Searching for numbers, percentages and actual values.  I think my father-in-law was one part amused, two parts horrified at some of my off-the-cuff, unsubstantiated opinions.  My husband was all parts horrified, I imagine.

I’m not exactly sure where my opinions come from, and I just as easily and inarticulately argue both sides, depending on where the conversation started.  I am plagued with the brain that always tries to see the other side.  If you say black, I wonder what white thinks about that. You say left, and I try out a hard right, just to round out the map.  I’m cursed to travel in circles.

I am the first to say that “politics aren’t my thing”.  But then who’s is it?  Who are the people that vote in every election (and not just the presidential)? Who follows the actions of our congress and how our representatives vote for and against bills and measures that affect us?  Who is taking on the tomes of economic theory to better understand how things could and should be done?

We are entering into an important year – the job of “leader of the free world” hangs in the balance.  How are you and I going to determine who the best person for the job is?  I’m serious.  I really want to know how you decide where to cast your vote.